
Aircraft Technical Log

Defect treatment on the CAMO dashboard

Clicking on the defect buttom opens the defects and shows basic information:

  1. Defect number
  2. Aircraft
  3. basic defect information
  4. The Camo can also create a defect just like a pilot can during his Technical Logging.
  5. view - edit and delete buttoms

Clicking on the defect line opens all detailed information:

From this page, the defect can be deferred or closed via a pop up in which information can be added:

Scrolling down on the defect detail page, limitations and/or documents can be added:


adding limitations:

several limitations can be added, both one time checks and check before each flight:

one time limitation (meaning only once to be checked)


necessary check before each flight:


This information is immediately available for the pilot in the aircraft app:



clicking on the red buttom shows the defect details:




clicking on 'show limitations' :



The pilot can perform the mandatory actions and mark them as performed. A one time limitation will not appear again, a limitation before each flight will have to be performed before each flight until the defect is closed.