CAMO and FlightApp
Registering and managing aircraft documents the right way is very important. This document manager is a great tool to follow up documents and their expiry dates:
1. Via Aircrafts and choosing an aircraft, the document window will open. When a new aircraft has been linked to a Camo, some standard documents are automatically created. The valid buttom of these generated documents will remain red until a pdf of the document has been added via the edit button.
2. Aircraft details
3. Active button: this document is in use (as opposed to old documents)
4. This document is valid: The document is present and within expiration if applicable.
5. Document name
6. Document type
7. Expiry data
8. View, change or delete buttons
9. Create new document
Creating a new document is done as follows:
1. The aircraft identity
2. Enter the name of the document (free choice)
3. Choose a document from the scroll down bar:
4. If the document replaces an existing document, the existing document (same type) can be replaced by ticking this box. This will be the case for all documents that expire.
5. Enter a copy of the document by dropping or choosing a file.