Pilot App settings dashboard
With flightapp, you can store and track documents, monitor due dates and all documents are always available for consultation.
1. Main Menu: documents
2. Create Button
3. Define lines per page
4. Document number
5. Active:
· Green: This document is actual
· Red: This document is no longer needed or monitored
6. Valid: Today this document is valid, the expiry date has not been reached yet.
7. Document name
8. Document type
9. Start validation date
10. End of validation
11. Document detail and edit buttons
Create document:
1. Window title
2. Any name can be given to the document
3. Choose a type from the drop down. There can be several levels of drop down:
4. If this document replaces an existing document, mark this tick box
5. Insert the document
6. Cancel, create or create and add another document
Monitoring documents:
For each document type, one or more monitoring rules can be defined. E.g. type rating at 90 days, 30 days and 10 days means that a reminder mail will be send 90, 30 and 10 days before the expiry date:
An email is send automatically to remind the user that the expiry date will be reached: