The Settings Dashboard
Aircraft Details
1. Name of the owner / operator
2. Aircraft type (choose from scroll down)
3. Weight Category (choose from scroll down)
4. Call sign: do not use punctuation marks (write OOTOY, not OO-TOY)
5. Serial number of the aircraft
6. Flight hours start value: fill in the total of the aircraft flight hours before starting to use the aircraft flight app.
7. Choose time format (UTC is default) (not in all countries available)
8. Choose the clock that is used for maintenance. Clocks can be added as described in the next chapter.
9. The maintenance statement on the smartphone will change colour when time is within the period of the warning days before maintenance has to be performed:
10. The maintenance statement on the smartphone will change colour when clock hours are less than these warning hours before maintenance has to be performed:
11. Indicate this tick box if documents have to be monitored, meaning that a warning will be mailed according to the settings in document monitoring when the expiry date is approaching.
12. Cancel or update input: Input of data is only stored after confirmation.