
The Settings Dashboard


Flight app is designed to facilitate entering and exchanging data.

Permissions can be granted to several entities depending on what type of data can be entered/edited. A permission can be added and the person or organisation will receive an email. Permissions can also easily be revoked by the revoke button.

Managing the aircraft: Access to the managing page as well as the smartphone app. This permission gives the same rights as those of the owner. Both users and organisations making use of the flight app organisation software can be added:



Maintenance scheduling and performing:

A maintenance organisation can be added and will be authorised to schedule and log performance of maintenance and also to manage certain documents. When an organisation receives this permission, they will have exclusive access to those features:



Finally, permissions can be given to enter data via the smartphone app. This permission is necessary for pilots using the aircraft to enter and edit flight data. This permission can be given to individual pilots as well as to organisations making use of the flight app organisation software.

To add an individual pilot, the mail address will have to be given. If the mail address is known in the flightapp database, the permission will be grated immediately, if not, a message will be send to that address and the name and password of the pilot can be confirmed via the link in that email.