
The Smartphone App

Aircraft Information

1.      Aircraft information: both the callsign and the aircraft type are mentioned


2.      Location: the location mentioned is the airport of arrival of the last flight entered.


3.      Clock Values: These are the values of the last entered flight.


4.      Reporting of incorrect clock values:

It is always recommended to check clocks before the flight. Whenever a flight has not been entered in flight app, there will be a difference in the flight app clock values compared to the real values of the clocks. Using the reporting button, it is possible to adjust the clock values in order to be able to enter the correct flight data of the flight to come. There will be a gap in the flight log and this will be visible in this way:



The Gap will disappear whenever the flight that wasn’t entered is entered with the correct clock values


5.      Maintenance statement: Users of flight app always have an immediate view on the scheduled maintenance. Both in maximum days before maintenance and in maximum flight hours before next maintenance.

Clicking on these button shows the details of the next maintenance to come: